
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Bugaloos Episode 7 Lady You Don't Look 80

Ok so my little cousin Elizabeth's dvd wouldn't show all the episodes, It's broken so Circus Time At Benita's won't happen until I get another dvd, Probably by Christmas. Unfortunately the dvd is now out of print so Im going to relay on Youtube/other websites for a while

Special thanks to Bill Ung from The Bugaloos website for the screen shots and Sandy Johnson from Fly Away With Us for the episode guide

    Lady You Don't Look 80 starts with I.Q. played by Big John McIndoe, Harmony played by Wayne Laryea and Courage played by Little John Philpott. The boys are having fun and throwing a ball around and Sparky tries to grab it, Joy played by the beautiful Caroline Ellis appears, ridicules them and warns them to be careful as any of them could get hurt. It is Joy's 16th birthday today and apparently Joy thinks the boys have forgotten her most important day of her life. The annoying flower and grapevine offer to give the boys hints on her birthday if in case they forgot but Joy won't have it. Just then Courage trips and falls. Courage turns out to have twisted his knee. But however by now Joy is pissed off and so the boys try to calm her down for being a "grumpy old granny

     I can understand Joy's point though, Courage could have gotten really hurt by that fall and no one seamed to care at all. That actually reminds me where are the parents? Are they friends or siblings or what? It would make a lot more sense if they were all friends. Whatever 

       In Benita Bizarre's jukebox, Benita herself looks at her mirror and discovers a grey hair, which is really a feather, Hmm could Benita be a bird? It would make a whole lot of sense with the feather boas and all. Anyways she and Funky Rat the German rat chaffier go to town and get more beauty supplies. Benita anyways goes to her store just as the Bugaloo boys and Sparky come out of a bakery with a good looking cake. When Sparky asks how on earth will they add 80 candles on that cake, The boys mess with Sparky by telling him the candles will burn the forest down and they will get busted by Smokey the Bear.  The guys also joke that they are pushing 70 themselves, amusing poor Sparky.

        The next scene shows Benita popping out of nowhere with the rat and believes the boys are really 70 and Joy is actually 80 herself, Ok just how stupid is Benita? Believing the Bugaloos have found the fountain of youth. The selfish woman throws out her beauty supplies and tells the chaffier to take her to Tranquility Forest.

The Bugaloos meanwhile return home to find Joy filling up buckets with water from the lilly pad pond, hmmm? It makes sense but where does the water come from? Anyway Sparky decides to help the elderly supposed Joy and tries to take the water buckets from her, Ok the joke has gone to far and Joy snaps grabbing both buckets and tries to leave. Sparky tries to help but all ends up pissing Joy off even more causing the boys to snicker in the background.

      Benita arrives and demands the fountain of youth telling The Bugaloos she knows of their secret. When Harmony explains it was just a giggle and poke joke. Sparky realizes his friends tricked him and blabs out about the birthday cake. Joy gets all happy realizing that no one forgot her birthday. No Joy they were just pretending to forget. Benita doesn't believe them and sees the water buckets and starts drinking from the Lilly pond. How does Benita hold that much water?

     At her Jukebox Funky empties the last water bucket and remarks all the water is gone. Benita thinks she's young so she goes up and looks in her magic mirror and realizes that she is not.  Deciding to get with The Bugaloos she and Funky kidnap Sparky and force the Bugaloos to hand over a youth potion or else Sparky goes to the big bug place in the sky (A reference to heaven). Fearing for Sparky I.Q. the genius makes a potion out of honey and water and takes it to Benita, When Courage and Harmony try to get Sparky Funky pops out of no where and points the zapper with Benita Bizarre explaining that if this is a trick Sparky gets it, she also is going to test the potion.

    All the Bugaloos sit glumly with all their party decorations at their place thinking desperately of another plan. Harmony suggests that they make Benita think they are old and she is young with the potion. So Benita is surprised when The Bugaloos come into the jukebox dressed up like elderly Bugaloos, in fact they look more like old homeless people trying to get a job with that get up. ok, i laughed because Courage looks like a skinny Santa Claus, Harmony looks like Moses from The Ten Commandments, I.Q. looks like an old business man and Joy looks like that typical little old lady from across the street. Benita believes it and hastily agrees to release Sparky

Just as The elderly Bugs are leaving Sparky steps on Harmony's beard causing it to fall off. Caught red handed The Bugaloos then all awe at Benita telling her she looks like a teenager. Benita believes them until The bugs try to escape again. Just as Benita is about to zap them Harmony asks for some apple pie. They all fly in the sky causing Benita and her flunkies to zap each other. 'Thus the Bugaloos fly back to the forest and are seen singing older women to Joy at her birthday.

Phew, this was a tough episode. Once I get the hang of it I'll keep posting more reviews, Maybe by Christmas I'll do the circus episode.

Happy Birthday Elizabeth and I hope you enjoy this review, Love you lots xxx Josh

1 comment:

  1. Wonderfull tv serie! I hope to get the Elisabeth's DVD. My best regards for you all.
